This guide is intended for those that wish to build their own version of Gentoo using MUSL for the Sony Playstation 2, for those looking at just downloading the file to play with then check the instructions at where I have provided a mirror which will be used a LiveCD to install Gentoo directly to your PS2 hard drive once support is added to the kernel.
Installing Gentoo on the PlayStation 2
emerge crossdev to allow building of MIPS environment:
root #
emerge --ask crossdev
As the PS2 only has 32MB of RAM the use of MUSL is recommended but for this to work a patch must be manually added until it's added to the main tree bug #851759.
root #
mkdir -p /etc/portage/patches/cross-mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/musl/
root #
root #
mv r5900-ll-sc.patch /etc/portage/patches/cross-mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/musl/
Now to create the cross compiler:
root #
crossdev -s4 -t mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl
If no errors were reported, move on to the next section.
Building the Environment
Set the system profile
The PS2 is 32bit little endian CPU and currently only the o32 ABI is supported however the profile for MUSL is needed:
root #
PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl eselect profile list
[1] default/linux/mips/17.0/o32 (exp) [2] default/linux/mips/17.0/o32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [3] default/linux/mips/17.0/n32 (exp) [4] default/linux/mips/17.0/n32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [5] default/linux/mips/17.0/n64 (exp) [6] default/linux/mips/17.0/n64/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [7] default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/o32 (exp) [8] default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/n32 (exp) [9] default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/n32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [10] default/linux/mips/17.0/multilib/n64 (exp) [11] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/o32 (exp) [12] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/o32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [13] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n32 (exp) [14] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [15] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64 (exp) [16] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [17] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/o32 (exp) [18] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n32 (exp) [19] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n32/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [20] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n64 (exp) [21] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/multilib/n64/systemd/merged-usr (exp) [22] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32_sf (stable) [23] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32_sf/systemd (stable) [24] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32 (stable) [25] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32/systemd (stable) [26] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/n32 (stable) [27] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/n32/systemd (stable) [28] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/n64 (stable) [29] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/n64/systemd (stable) [30] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/multilib/n32 (dev) [31] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/multilib/n32/systemd (dev) [32] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/multilib/n64 (dev) [33] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/multilib/n64/systemd (dev) [34] default/linux/mips/23.0/o32_sf (stable) [35] default/linux/mips/23.0/o32_sf/systemd (stable) [36] default/linux/mips/23.0/o32 (stable) [37] default/linux/mips/23.0/o32/systemd (stable) [38] default/linux/mips/23.0/n32 (stable) [39] default/linux/mips/23.0/n32/systemd (stable) [40] default/linux/mips/23.0/n64 (stable) [41] default/linux/mips/23.0/n64/systemd (stable) [42] default/linux/mips/23.0/multilib/n32 (dev) [43] default/linux/mips/23.0/multilib/n32/systemd (dev) [44] default/linux/mips/23.0/multilib/n64 (dev) [45] default/linux/mips/23.0/multilib/n64/systemd (dev) [46] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/o32_sf (dev) [47] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/o32 (dev) [48] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/n32 (dev) [49] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/n64 (stable) [50] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/multilib/n32 (dev) [51] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/multilib/n64 (dev) [52] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/o32_sf (dev) [53] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/o32 (dev) [54] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/n32 (dev) [55] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/n64 (stable) [56] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/multilib/n32 (dev) [57] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/multilib/n64 (dev) [58] default/linux/mips/17.0/o32/musl (exp) [59] default/linux/mips/17.0/n64/musl (exp) [60] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/o32/musl (exp) [61] default/linux/mips/17.0/mipsel/n64/musl (exp) [62] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32/musl (dev) [63] default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/n64/musl (exp) [64] default/linux/mips/23.0/o32/musl (dev) [65] default/linux/mips/23.0/n64/musl (exp) [66] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/o32/musl (exp) [67] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/mipsel/n64/musl (exp) [68] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/o32/musl (exp)[69] default/linux/mips/23.0/split-usr/n64/musl (exp)
root #
PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl eselect profile set default/linux/mips/23.0/mipsel/o32/musl
Common Flags
As already mentioned the PS2 has very little RAM so using the -Os optimisation is recommended as is targetting for the PS2's CPU the r5900.
COMMON_FLAGS="-Os -march=r5900 -mabi=32 -mplt -mfix-r5900 -pipe -flto"
USEFLAGS and Workarounds
To stop errors the following USEFLAGS need to be set:
root #
mkdir /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/package.use
sys-apps/util-linux -su
sys-libs/musl -crypt
And disable LTO for perl:
root #
mkdir /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/package.env
dev-lang/perl no-lto.conf
root #
mkdir /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/env
COMMON_FLAGS="-Os -march=r5900 -mabi=32 -mplt -mfix-r5900 -pipe"
CFLAGS="-Os -march=r5900 -mabi=32 -mplt -mfix-r5900 -pipe"
CXXFLAGS="-Os -march=r5900 -mabi=32 -mplt -mfix-r5900 -pipe"
Again due to bug #851759 the required patch for MUSL to build is needed:
root #
mkdir -p /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/patches/sys-libs/musl
root #
cd /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/etc/portage/patches/sys-libs/musl
Emerge the system
root #
USE="-openmp" mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl-emerge -va1 @system
Next, emerge dhcpcd for networking once the PS2 has booted.
root #
emerge --ask net-misc/dhcpcd
Tarball creation
Create a tar.xz of the system files created ready for use later on.
root #
cd /usr/mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl/
root #
tar -cvf /home/USER/PS2-Gentoo-MUSL.tar.xz .
Change the `/home/USER` part to where every is a suitable location to store this tarball.
PS2 Kernel
Make sure git is installed on the system before moving on:
root #
emerge --ask dev-vcs/git
Using the premade INITRAMFS files as building our own doesn't achieve anything special, select either initramfs-ntsc-ps2 or initramfs-pal-ps2 depending on the region of your PS2 (currently only pal).
Choose a suitable location to unpack these files, then begin to edit the initramfs/init file ready to load Gentoo on boot.
root #
unzip initramfs*.zip
root #
tar xvf initramfs-*.tar.gz
root #
nano initramfs/init
!/bin/busybox sh
/bin/busybox --install -s
export PATH
### Extra
# Basic /dev content, we need it as fast as possible.
mkdir -p /dev
[ ! -e /dev/console ] && mknod /dev/console c 5 1
[ ! -e /dev/null ] && mknod /dev/null c 1 3
[ ! -e /dev/tty ] && mknod /dev/tty c 5 0
[ ! -e /dev/urandom ] && mknod /dev/urandom c 1 9
[ ! -e /dev/random ] && mknod /dev/random c 1 8
[ ! -e /dev/zero ] && mknod /dev/zero c 1 5
#Mount Section
mount -t proc none /proc
mount -t devtmpfs none /dev
mount -t sysfs none /sys
#Load PS2 Modules
modprobe ps2fb mode_option=640x512i@50
modprobe sif
modprobe iop-memory
modprobe iop-module
modprobe iop-irq
modprobe sd_mod
modprobe ohci-ps2
modprobe ums-usbat
modprobe usbhid
modprobe hid-generic
sleep 5
#Mount USB
mount -t ext4 -o ro -L PS2Root /mnt || echo "Failed to mount root device"
sleep 30
mkdir -p /mnt/proc
mount -o move /proc /mnt/proc
mkdir -p /mnt/sys
mount -o move /sys /mnt/sys
mkdir -p /mnt/dev
mount -o move /dev /mnt/dev
exec switch_root -c /dev/console /mnt /bin/init
Replace the existing contents with the information above. This script will load all the required modules then switch the root to boot Gentoo from the USB drive which will be setup later in the guide.
Building the Kernel
Checkout the source from git using the follow:
root #
git clone
root #
cd linux
To avoid issues with your host machine later on, set the environmental flags on each command to build the kernel with the INITRAMFS created in the last step.
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make ps2_defconfig
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make olddefconfig
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make vmlinux
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make modules
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make modules_install
root #
rm ../initramfs/lib/modules/*/{build,modules.*,source}
root #
ARCH=mips CROSS_COMPILE=mipsr5900el-unknown-linux-musl- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../initramfs INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 make vmlinuz
If no errors occurred then a file called vmlinuz was created which needs to be renamed to boot on the PS2:
root #
mv vmlinuz PS2Linux.ELF
Preparing the USB Drive
Create two partitions on a USB drive, with one being a 256MB w95 partition and the rest being a Linux partition.
root #
fdisk -l /dev/sdc
Disk /dev/sdc: 14.91 GiB, 16005464064 bytes, 31260672 sectors
Disk model: Cruzer Glide
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x9579130d
Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdc1 2048 526335 524288 256M b W95 FAT32
/dev/sdc2 526336 31260671 30734336 14.7G 83 Linux
Now create the following filesystems on these partitions noting the labels used as these are important to making the INITRAMFS work correctly that was setup earlier.
root #
emerge --ask sys-fs/dosfstools
root #
mkfs.vfat -n PS2BOOT /dev/sdc1
root #
mkfs.ext4 -L PS2Root /dev/sdc2
Copying Kernel
Mount fat32 partition to copy over the kernel created earlier that ulaunch/wlaunch will be able to read on the PS2,
root #
mkdir /mnt/usb
root #
mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb
root #
cp PS2Linux.ELF /mnt/usb/
root #
umount /mnt/usb
Unpack the Gentoo Tarball
Mount the ext4 partition to unpack the tarball from ealier,
root #
mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/usb
root #
cd /mnt/usb
root #
tar xvf /home/USER/PS2-Gentoo-MUSL.tar.xz
Clean Up
Tidy up some unneeded files and other quality of life fixes:
root #
rm -r /mnt/usb/cache
root #
mkdir dev home media opt root boot mnt sys
Edit make.conf to sane defaults in case later a binhost is added:
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="mips ~mips"
COMMON_FLAGS="-Os -march=r5900 -mabi=32 -mplt -mfix-r5900 -pipe -flto"
FEATURES="-collision-protect sandbox buildpkg noman noinfo nodoc"