User:Ris/drafts/wiki evolution

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Even though this page is in the user namespace, corrections and additions are much appreciated! This is simply wiki policy, this page can be moved to the main wiki as soon as it achieves critical mass more.
This list is still very draft: so far just a handful of random items have been listed, there are many more things that can be added.
See also
See the main news page for the big changes that happen on the wiki.

Small changes that nevertheless make constitutional differences to how the wiki is used regularly occur. Things like new templates, changes to guidelines, or large reworks of articles are often of interest, and this page aims to be a handy place to learn of and keep track of such changes.

Most of these entries will not be "big news", but they will often be useful to know about. To follow the most important changes to the documentation wiki, see the wiki news. Entries are in roughly chronological order.