User:Screenager/install/minimal KDE PLASMA
With gentoos unlimited options this page will document a way to get a working minimal KDE Plasma setup running. It is meant as a 'sane default' to provide a desktop environment even usable by 'non computer persons'. It is assumed that a fresh amd64/desktop/plasma installation is either booted or chrooted into.
Installing KDE plasma meta
When installing gentoo with the amd64/dekstop/plasma profile many necessary functions are already setup.
root #
equery hasuse elogind
[IP-] [ ] sys-apps/dbus-1.15.6:0 [IP-] [ ] sys-auth/pambase-20220214:0 [IP-] [ ] sys-process/procps-3.3.17-r2:0/8
Now is the time to configure some useflags to disable unwanted software:
USE="-vlc -kwallet"
To disable kwallet it is still necessary to do this
to solve a circular dependency first emerge libsnd with the use flag 'minimal' without adding it to your @world set
root #
USE="minimal" emerge --ask --oneshot libsndfile
then emerge the kde-plasma/plasma-meta package
root #
emerge --ask kde-plasma/plasma-meta
You can go through and install desired packages manually
currently there is no terminal emulator installed to change that there are two ways: Emerge the kdecore meta package or manually install basic packages.
Option A: Meta Package
Kdecore-meta packages includes the light weight Falkon Browser. To disable it deactivate the webengine USE flag from it's package. This is optional
USE="-vlc -kwallet -webengine"
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/kdecore-meta
Compiling QtWebEngine will take a very long time, more than anything else compiled so far, so be aware when not exluding the webengine useflag
Option B: Manual Install
A filebrowser:
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/dolphin
Video thumbnail generation:
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/ffmpegthumbs
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/kfind
GUI assisted KDE manual and provides a graphical interface to view all man pages of every installed program:
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/khelpcenter
Most important a terminal emulator:
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/konsole
Thumbnail generation
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/thumbnailers
and one text editor of choice (both are basically the same, kate offers a little bit more options and plugins)
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/kwrite
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/kate
Further KDE Apps
Next we add some essential programs without emerging further meta packages, start with kmenuedit which will allow easier customization of the app launcher.
root #
emerge --ask kde-plasma/kmenuedit
Gwenview which is a simple image viewer
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/gwenview
Okular - a basic document including PDF viewer
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/okular
Spectacle a screenshot and annotation tool
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/spectacle
p7zip which is an improved clone of 7zip for handling archive files
root #
emerge --ask app-arch/p7zip
add rar support and install ark, an GUI archive manager
root #
emerge --ask app-arch/rar
root #
emerge --ask kde-apps/ark
to be able to read and identify non latin characters it is recommended to install the font meta package
root #
emerge --ask media-fonts/fonts-meta
this should provide enough for a minimal modern desktop environment.
Setting up SDDM
Start by adding elogind to boot
root #
rc-update add elogind boot
next, add the sddm user to the video group
root #
usermod -a -G video sddm
continue to install a GUI configuration tool for plasma
root #
emerge --ask kde-plasma/sddm-kcm
Going with wayland as a default it is possible to remove the other desktop session entries from SDDM. There are two folders that get parsed for .desktop configuration files /usr/share/wayland-sessions for wayland and for X server: /usr/share/xsessions rename the files inside the xsessions folder
root #
mv /usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop.DONT
root #
mv /usr/share/xsessions/Xsession.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/Xsession.desktop.DONT
next install the display manager init for openRC
root #
emerge --ask gui-libs/display-manager-init
configure it with
add display manager init to default
Make sure your desktop environment actually works with
dbus-launch --exit-with-session startplasma-wayland
before doing this. You might get stuck with a black screen otherwise and be forced to power off. Running this while chrooted will leave the scope of this guide, do it while booted into the system. You might want to setup NetworkManager beforehandroot #
rc-update add display-manager default
Changing to NetworkManager
Networkmanager got already pulled in by the profile. Add your user account to the group plugdev
root #
gpasswd -a larry plugdev
proceed to disable every other network service even dhcpd
root #
for x in /etc/runlevels/default/net.* ; do rc-update del $(basename $x) default ; rc-service --ifstarted $(basename $x) stop; done
root #
rc-update del dhcpcd default
now that everything got disabled enable networkmanager
root #
rc-update add NetworkManager default
continue to install a GUI for plasma
root #
emerge --ask kde-plasma/plasma-nm
In order for Networkmanager to leave the hostname set in /etc/hostname alone the same hostname needs to also be defined in
# Hostname fallback if /etc/hostname does not exist
by default "localhost" is written here. Networkmanager will resolve that "address" and change your hostname to a reverse DNS entry provided by your ISP.
The system should now be ready to reboot into a fully functioning desktop environment. It is possible to continue onward for more basic applications.
Firejailing Firefox
After emerging Firefox with
root #
emerge --ask www-client/firefox
it is recommended to isolate it from the system with firejail. First install it
root #
emerge --ask sys-apps/firejail
On gentoo firejail comes with a lot pre configured profiles. Activate it for firefox systemwide by creating following symlink:
root #
ln -s /usr/bin/firejail /usr/local/bin/firefox
Besides that the first task of each new Firefox install should be installing the Ublock Origin extension.
It is further recommended to firejail popular applications that make heavy use of web technology in their frontend. For example: Discord, Spotify and Steam.
Optional: Flatpak support
While not recommended it might be a good way to introduce heavy GUI reliant users to the terminal by giving them the option to browse and copy a command for fast and easy smartphone like application installation.
First install it
root #
emerge --ask sys-apps/flatpak
switch to the user account and install the flathub repo
user $
flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub
It is further recommended to install flatseal to allow for GUI permission management
user $
flatpak install com.github.tchx84.Flatseal
that user will now be able to install software by using the website and copying the install command for a chosen app. It will automatically be added to KDEs app launcher.
use the command
user $
flatpak update
to update all installed apps and
user $
flatpak uninstall <appIdentifier>
to remove installed apps again. This will allow a new user to gain confidence with a terminal without wielding the power to actually break something.