Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality (VR) is the process of creating a virtual, immersive experience for the user. This is achieved usually by a head-mounted display (HMD) which simulates a 3-dimensional vision by having a different display for each eye. An HMD usually features rotation as well as full movement tracking. With many VR solutions, motion controllers exist to provide an immersive way of input.

Many VR peripherals have been released, with very few featuring official Linux support and some having third-party Linux support (see compatibility chart below).

VR standards


OpenXR is an open standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality maintained by the Khronos Group.


OpenVR is a de-facto standard for Virtual Reality maintained by Valve Corporation. It is used by most games and a great number of applications. Currently SteamVR provided by Steam is the only fully working implementation of OpenVR.


OSVR was a joint effort by Sensics Inc and Razer to create an open API for VR. It is mostly abandoned, yet some applications rely on OSVR for virtual reality

VR Hardware Setup


Envision is a UI for building, configuring and running Monado, the open source OpenXR runtime.

WMR Setup


For Windows Mixed Reality headsets, Envision is recommended. As it is currently in alpha development, several steps need to be taken first.

steamvr vulkan nvidia opengl X wayland xwayland USE flags are enabled globally, although adding vulkan USE flag to media-libs/mesa may be all that is neccessary.

Add the guru repository. If you do not have eselect repository's installed,

root #emerge -av eselect-repositories

Then select and update the guru repository.

root #eselect repository enable guru
root #emerge --sync guru

Then we can install openxr and other needed dependencies

root #emerge -av openxr-loader gui-libs/vte glew shaderc tbb

Users of X11 will need to install x11-apps/xrandr

root #sudo emerge -av x11-apps/xrandr

As envision hasn't been updated to use Catch v3, *you may need to unmerge v3 if you already have it installed.

user $cd Catch2
user $git switch v2.x
user $cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
root #cmake --build build/ --target install

Then install xr-hardware udev rules.

user $cd xr-hardware
user $make
root # make install

Nvidia users will need vulkan-layers

user $ninja -C build
root #ninja -C build install

Then reboot for the changes to take effect.


Clone install, and run envision.

user $cd envision
user $meson setup build -Dprefix="$PWD/build/localprefix" -Dprofile=development
user $ninja -C build
user $ninja -C build install
user $./build/localprefix/bin/envision

Select your headset. For this guide, we are using WMR - Envision Default click duplicate profile (between pen and + icon at the bottom) Name it. For Samsung Odyssey +(probably Odyssey as well) add


to environment variables. Towards the bottom, on the left side, you'll see a plus sign beside Enviroment variables. Other headsets may require other variables.

Save your profile, and then select build profile from the envision menu at the top left(3 lines) Once it has finished building, a pop up asking for a setcap command that requires root privileges will appear, so enter your password and click yes. Then you can click close, and plug in your headset if it's not already plugged in. X11 users will have to run

user $xrandr | grep connected

and the replace "HDMI-0" on the following line, with their headset port.

user $xrandr --output HDMI-0 --set non-desktop 1

Wayland users do not need to do anything else Click start, and now the headset should light up. You can go ahead and start any steam game with openxr.

For SteamVR

Copy the monado plugin to /usr/share

user $cd /home/$USER/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin
root #cp -r /home/$USER/.local/share/envision/prefixes/PREFIXDIRECTORY/share/steamvr-monado /usr/share/
user $./ adddriver /usr/share/steamvr-monado/

then you can start room setup with

user $./

and after words you can run steamvr via

user $./

Sometimes starts with black screen, and it can not be closed.

Ctrl-Super-Esc and then clicking on it will kill the zombie window

The Envision client won't connect to the headset anymore but was working before.

user $ rm /run/user/1000/monado_comp_ipc

Resetting the pc usually works if that doesn't. Logging out and logging back sometimes works.


Mondado is an open source XR runtime delivering immersive experiences such as VR and AR on mobile, PC/desktop, and any other device (because gosh darn people come up with a lot of weird hardware). Monado aims to be a complete and conforming implementation of the OpenXR API made by Khronos. The project is primarily developed on GNU/Linux, but also runs on Android and Windows. "Monado" has no specific meaning and is just a name.


ALVR is a solution to use Android-based VR-headsets like the Meta Quest (2/3/Pro) or the Pico (3/4) with SteamVR(OpenVR).


WiVRn is a solution to use Android-based VR-headsets like the Meta Quest (2/3/Pro) or the Pico 3/4 through OpenXR on your computer


OpenHMD aims to provide a Free and Open Source API and drivers for immersive technology, such as head mounted displays with built in head tracking. Our aim is to implement support for as many devices as possible in a portable, cross-platform package. It is currently unmaintained.

VR hardware

This is an overview of the support status of VR hardware. Official support means that Linux support is done by the manufacturer and not by a third party project.

Device Supported Official Support Rotation Position Controller OpenVR OpenXR OSVR
HTC Vive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (via SteamVR) No
Valve Index Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (via SteamVR) No
HTC Vive Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (via SteamVR) No
HTC Vive Pro 2 Yes Third-party SteamVR driver available Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (via SteamVR) No
Oculus Rift DK1 Yes Third-party support through OpenHMD Yes n/a Yes Yes Yes (via OpenHMD) Yes (via OSVR-OpenHMD)
Oculus Rift DK2 Partial Third-party support through OpenHMD Yes No Yes Yes Yes (via OpenHMD) Yes (via OSVR-OpenHMD)
Oculus Rift CV1 Partial Third-party support through OpenHMD Yes No Yes Yes Yes (via OpenHMD) No
Playstation VR Partial Third-party support through OpenHMD Yes No Yes Yes Yes (via OpenHMD) No
Oculus Quest Yes Third-party support through ALVR Yes Yes Yes Yes Experimental through ALXR No
Oculus/Meta Quest 2 Yes Third-party support through ALVR Yes Yes Yes Yes Experimental through ALXR No
OSVR HDK Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a Yes No Yes
OSVR HDK2 Yes Yes Yes Yes n/a Yes No Yes
Windows Mixed Reality Headsets (like HP Reverb) Experimental Third-party support through Monado Yes Yes Experimental via Thaytan's branch Yes Yes (via Monado) No