Catalyst/Stage Creation
This is a guide describing how to create to deployable images for different machines using Catalyst. This can be useful for getting Gentoo running on weaker systems, or for creating specialized flavors of Gentoo.
Build Environment Setup
Install dev-util/catalyst, making sure the iso useflag is set:
root #
emerge --ask dev-util/catalyst
Create working directories:
root #
mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default
root #
mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages/
/var/tmp/catalyst/build/default is where the stage3 seed tarball will placed to build a custom stage4.
/var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages is used like /etc/portage to configure Catalyst to use items like package.use and package.accept_keywords.
In this example an x86 Pentium 3 stage4 creation will be used, but this can be easily edited to match the target system.
Kernel support
Catalyst relies on SquashFS make sure your host kernel has support for it.
Edit /usr/share/catalyst/arch/x86.toml to change the default cflags that works best with the target system:
COMMON_FLAGS = "-Os -march=pentium3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
CPU_FLAGS_X86 = [ "mmx", "mmxext", "sse",]
This example shows how to set the CPU instructions that the target supports and the use of CFLAGS to lower RAM usage at the cost of some CPU time.
The word after .x86 is the subarch name which will be used later on.
~Arch Packages
To pull in packages from ~x86, it is possible to use the /var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages directory created earlier.
root #
mkdir -p /var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages/package.accept_keywords
root #
nano /var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages/package.accept_keywords/stage4
sys-kernel/gentoo-sources ~x86
As shown, this works very similarly to adding testing packages in Portage. See /etc/portage/package.accept keywords for further information.
Build Stage1
Prepare Seed
A seed stage3 is needed to build the new stage4 for the target machine. Catalyst looks for seeds in /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default
Select the best stage3 for the needs of the target system (in this example stage3-i686-openrc-tar.xz is used.) Stage3 tarballs can be found at
/var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default #
wget <URL of file>
Portage Snapshot
Portage snapshots are now handled in git and can be created and updated using:
root #
catalyst -s stable
You will see output that states the Gentoo Portage snapshot name and it will look similar to:
NOTICE:catalyst:Creating gentoo tree snapshot 0c5fd9cca1edc63e36234b3dc91c46db24647309 from /var/tmp/catalyst/repos/gentoo.git
In this example take note of 0c5fd9cca1edc63e36234b3dc91c46db24647309 as it will be needed for the spec file.
Stage1 Spec File
Many examples of specs files can be found on RELENG Github and it's highly recommended to have at look at them:
Catalyst spec files are located at /var/tmp/catalyst:
/var/tmp/catalyst #
nano stage1-Pentium3-openrc.spec
subarch: Pentium3
target: stage1
version_stamp: openrc-@Timestamp@
rel_type: default
profile: default/linux/x86/23.0
snapshot_treeish: 0c5fd9cca1edc63e36234b3dc91c46db24647309
source_subpath: default/stage3-i686-openrc
compression_mode: pixz
update_seed: yes
update_seed_command: --update --deep --newuse @world
portage_confdir: /var/tmp/catalyst/config/stages
portage_prefix: releng
The value of
must be set to the hash returned by catalyst -s latest.Now, build the stage1:
root #
catalyst -f stage1-Pentium3-openrc.spec
It may be useful to be in the habit of running catalyst -af. The "a" flag tells catalyst to not use the auto-resume point for that stage. This makes sure any changes you've made get picked up. This is especially useful for when you're experimenting and making changes to configuration files. This is different from setting options in /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf.
Build Stage3
It is not necessary to build stage2 in order to build stage3. Gentoo release engineering does not build stage2, and you should not need to unless you're intentionally building a stage2 as your goal.
root #
nano stage3-Pentium3-openrc.spec
subarch: pentium3
target: stage3
version_stamp: openrc-@TIMESTAMP@
rel_type: default
profile: default/linux/x86/23.0
snapshot_treeish: 0c5fd9cca1edc63e36234b3dc91c46db24647309
source_subpath: default/stage1-i686-openrc-@TIMESTAMP@
compression_mode: pixz
portage_confdir: /var/tmp/catalyst/stages
portage_prefix: releng
In this stage Catalyst will use the stage1 built earlier to build a full stage3 for the target system.
root #
catalyst -f stage3-Pentium3-openrc.spec
Build Stage4
This is the stage where packages and other settings can be applied to the stage tarball. The example of the options available in this stage can be found here .
root #
nano stage4-Pentium3-openrc.spec
subarch: pentium3
version_stamp: openrc-@TIMESTAMP@
target: stage4
rel_type: default 0c5fd9cca1edc63e36234b3dc91c46db24647309
profile: default/linux/x86/23.0
source_subpath: default/stage3-pentium3-openrc-@TIMESTAMP@
portage_confdir: /var/tmp/catalyst/config/portage/stages
repos: /var/db/repos/some_overlay
stage4/rcadd: dbus|default display-manager|default
stage4/empty: /var/cache/distfiles /usr/src/linux
stage4/rm: /root/.bash_history
stage4/fsscript: /path/to/file/
stage4/root_overlay: /root/stage4-overlay
Allows additional overlays to be added to the stage4 build, this is useful when using ebuilds not part of the default ::gentoo repository. Multiple repositories can be added when separated by spaces.
This section allows the user to select which extra packages should be added to the tarball to be immediately available post-install. This can greatly speed up deployment time as there is no need to wait for large packages such as LLVM, rust or qtwebengine to compile on the slower systems.
Optionally, in this section you can also specify options, similar to how you would with emerge. For example, to get binary packages:
Extra spec file configuration is required for this to work correctly.
This section allows the setting of global USEFLAGS that are important for the intended purpose of this tarball.
This section puts services into the specified runlevels to be automatically enabled at boot. These are formatted as service|runlevel
This only works for OpenRC systems. For systemd, you need to use fsscript (see below) to run systemctl enable for the desired services.
This section lists directories to empty after the build is complete. For example, it can be used to clear /usr/src/linux
to save space.
This section lists files to remove after the build is complete. For example, /root/.bash_history
can be cleared.
This is a call to an optional bash script that allows a user to make any changes or tweaks on a system installed using the stage4 tarball. For example:
cat > /etc/sysctl.conf <<EOF
vm.swappiness = 10
cat > /etc/conf.d/display-manager <<EOF
cat >> /etc/portage/make.conf <<EOF
# Enable systemd services
systemctl enable lightdm
Systemctl enable NetworkManager
Anything a bash script can do can be made to run on the Gentoo system.
The root_overlay is a filesystem overlay which is inserted at the end of build (before fsscript runs). This can be used to insert arbitrary files and directories to the build.
First, create the directory specified in stage4/root_overlay
root #
mkdir /root/stage4-overlay
Now any files can be inserted to the build. For example, to edit /etc/fstab
, first create the etc
directory in the overlay:
root #
mkdir /root/stage4-overlay/etc
And create the file:
LABEL=EFI /boot/efi vfat noauto,noatime 0 2
Files in the root_overlay will overwrite any existing files with the same name.
root #
catalyst -f stage4-Pentium3-openrc.spec
Once this is finished then the stage4 can be found in /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/default
to transfer to the target to be unpacked.
Stub: Instructions on how to unpack/install stage4 tarballs. Probably useful as helpful tips for stage4 builders to pass along to users.