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This page is a translated version of the page Handbook:X86/Networking/Introduction and the translation is 100% complete.
Manual X86
Acerca de la instalación
Elegir los medios
Configurar la red
Preparar los discos
Instalar el stage3
Instalar el sistema base
Configurar el núcleo
Configurar el sistema
Instalar las herramientas
Configurar el cargador de arranque
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Ajustes USE
Características de Portage
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Características avanzadas
Configuración de la red
Configuración avanzada
Configuración de red modular
Conexión inalámbrica
Añadir funcionalidad
Gestión dinámica

La siguiente parte del manual sobre redes describe la configuración de red 'avanzada' para sistemas que ejecutan el sistema de inicio OpenRC utilizando netifrc como sistema de administración de red.

Para los sistemas que ejecutan systemd, los lectores deben revisar la parte de redes del artículo systemd.

Netifrc is a simple framework for configuring and managing network interfaces on OpenRC based systems. sys-apps/openrc pulls net-misc/netifrc automatically, as the netifrc USE flag is enabled by default.

Creating an interface init script

In order to manage an interface with netifrc, an init script for that interface must be created. By default, netifrc installs /etc/init.d/net.lo, which can be symlinked to create init scripts for new interfaces.

To create a new init script for interface eth0, simply symlink the default net.lo script:

root /etc/init.d #ln -s net.lo net.eth0
Interface names can be determined by running ip link show (ip l for short) or ls /sys/class/net.
Interface names will differ from system to system. Kernel based device names starting with eth<n> or wlan<n> may differ by index across boots. udev may set interface names starting with wlp or enp, where these names are persistent across reboots.

Configuring netifrc interfaces

Ethernet interfaces will often work without any additional config, as netifrc will automatically use DHCP for interfaces with no specified config.

If additional configuration is needed, for options such as static IPs, /etc/conf.d/net can be edited:

ARCHIVO /etc/conf.d/netSetting a static IP for eth0.
# For static IP using CIDR notation
routes_eth0="default via"

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
# For static IP using netmask notation
config_eth0=" netmask"
routes_eth0="default via"
If no configuration is specified for an interface, DHCP is used.

Netifrc interface service management

With the interface init scripts created and configured, netifrc services can be managed using rc-service. To start eth0:

root #rc-service net.eth0 start
Cuando esté solucionando problemas con la red, échele una mirada a /var/log/rc.log. A no ser que haya configurado la variable rc_logger a NO en /etc/rc.conf, encontrará información almacenada en este archivo de registro acerca de las actividades al arrancar.

To start eth0 automatically at startup, it can be added to the default runlevel:

root #rc-update add net.eth0 default
root #rc