Handbook Talk:AMD64/Installation/Media
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Some closed discussions have been moved to an archive subpage: Handbook Talk:AMD64/Installation/Media/Archive.
Better css style for 'Path' and 'c' templates
Tip: To get this fixed sooner, use {{Proposal}}.
The templates {{Path|something}} and {{c|something}} make inline strings monospaced font. But the white spaces in that inline elements (spans) are more long than ordinary white spaces. Just an example: select open file to choose your iso. "open file" is a one voice, but his long space seems to join "select open" and "file to". Graphically speaking is ugly.
And this string actually presents on document: ... sudo su - or sudo -i in a terminal. It's muddling: where starts or ends what?
I've looked for nice solution. The template {{Path|something}} generates span element with inline style "font-family: monospace; font-size: 95%". The template {{c|something}} generates span element with class "tripleclick-separator" and the same style as just before. The next css code to append on head section may be a nice solution:
span[style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 95%"] {
margin:0 2px;
padding:0 5px;
border-left:1px solid #c0c0c0;
border-right:1px solid #c0c0c0;
The class "tripleclick-separator" is theoretically not necessary on that css code, but `span[style="font-family: monospace; font-size: 95%"]` doesn't work for {{c|something}}... However the method for applying style is secondary.
The long white space is 8px and I put this lenght to the left and to the right of span elements. There is a margin of 2px because near to punctuation is better. The border makes lenght, so 2 + 5 + 1 = 8px.
You can choose another solution, but now it's not good... Best regards! --Suricata (talk) 23:11, 8 September 2017 (UTC)
Shorter verification instructions
Downloaded files checksum verification instructions listed on Release media signatures are both more concise and clearer than the ones used on this page. Also shaXsum -c approach does not require checking hashsum match manually making it more secure. Might be a good idea to use the same approach here.
Raindev (talk) 20:00, 3 December 2017 (UTC)
- It looks like this was fixed in Special:Diff/1049165
- Thanks! --Xarvatium (talk) 20:18, 7 January 2024 (UTC)
Gentoo Infrastructure
This article contains a reference to the Gentoo Infrastructure team, but no link is provided. We should use Project:Infrastructure. Fturco (talk) 17:22, 22 November 2018 (UTC)
The Gpg4win homepage now uses HTTPS. Fturco (talk) 17:26, 22 November 2018 (UTC)
GNU Screen
The GNU Screen link now redirects to Screen. Fturco (talk) 17:45, 22 November 2018 (UTC)
Downloading Keys, Missing Keys, and Signatures not Checked
Currently, when obtaining the keys used to verify the installation image, gpg complains that 11 signatures have not been checked due to missing keys and there is 1 bad signature. From my understanding, there is no cause for concern from this but it may be wise to update the Linux verification portion of the handbook to show this message as opposed to the older output that does not show the missing keys/bad signature. --Perfectedinterest (talk) 01:41, 1 February 2019 (UTC)
GnuPG has built-in WKD support
Newer versions of GnuPG can use WKD via
user $
gpg --locate-key releng@gentoo.org
Even if we want to account for people having old GnuPG versions, it seems counter-intuitive to provide the manual method only. Michał Górny (talk) 19:58, 19 April 2019 (UTC)
- To make sure that WKD is really used disallow all other mechanisms via
user $
gpg --auto-key-locate clear,wkd --locate-external-keys releng@gentoo.org
--Duxsco (talk) 02:53, 6 February 2022 (UTC)user $
gpg --auto-key-locate clear,nodefault,wkd --locate-keys releng@gentoo.org
- It appears this was added in Special:Diff/1049167
- Thanks! --Xarvatium (talk) 21:36, 7 January 2024 (UTC)
WKD section doesn't appear in translation tool
I try to update the German translation of this page.
The sentence and the code block after 'Alternatively you can use instead the WKD to download the key:' do NOT appear in the translation tool. Intention? Missing tags?
--Mike155 (talk) 20:24, 2 November 2019 (UTC)
- It appears this was added in Special:Diff/949668
- Thanks! --Xarvatium (talk) 21:39, 7 January 2024 (UTC)
Incomprehensible sentence: '... will check for no* options before do* options ... in the exact order ...'
I don't understand the sentence: 'The bootable media will check for no* options before do* options, so that options can be overridden in the exact order specified.'
What does it mean? Is the order of options important? Or will do* options override no* options in any case? When and why would I want to override options? Maybe an example would help.
--Mike155 (talk) 20:32, 2 November 2019 (UTC)
- I'm not sure when this was fixed, but this issue no longer seems to be present. If I'm missing it, please let me know Zen desu (talk) 02:09, 8 January 2024 (UTC)
Please add instruction for creating bootable USB sticks for installation.
The entire section on installation media assumes the use of a DVD-ROM. Increasingly, laptops and similar devices are supplied without any kind of optical drive. Most can, however, boot from a USB stick or similar, and USB sticks can be turned into the equivalent of a bootable CD. A recent attempt to do this demonstrated quite clearly that this is far from trivial (there seem to be any number of tools for this, but none seem to work as advertised, and many are barely maintained). Adding a section describing how to create a bootable USB stick for installation, from a few obvious environments including another Gentoo machine, would be very welcome.
--Robvr (talk) 09:57, 24 April 2020 (UTC)
- Usually I use dd to write ISO to USB flash (or isohybrid + dd). Please take a look at Category:Bootable media. --Vazhnov (talk) 10:59, 24 April 2020 (UTC)
- I've been very pleased with the "Balena Etcher" program. You can download it for free from this web site. It's very easy to use: just put the program in the same directory as your .iso file, select it with your file manager (I use "Dolphin"), then select the image to burn and choose the stick to be used. Say start. A minute later you'll have a bootable USB stick. --Davidbryant (talk) 18:38, 29 June 2020 (UTC)
- Added in Special:Diff/1273365/1273371
- Thanks! --Xarvatium (talk) 02:47, 11 January 2024 (UTC)
The "TTYs" Section Introduces Unnecessary Complexity
The section about "TTYs" (4.4.1) makes the installation job unnecessarily complicated. It says: "To view the Gentoo handbook during the installation, first create a user account as described above. Then press Alt+F2 to go to a new terminal."
There is no need to create a new user account at this early stage of the proceedings. I have constructed three Gentoo systems using "links" and TTY2 -- where I logged in as root -- without significant difficulty. In short, Linux doesn't care if "root" is logged in from multiple virtual terminals. --Davidbryant (talk) 22:14, 29 June 2020 (UTC)
- You are correct in that all this is unnecessary. That's why the section is labeled OPTIONAL. The user account in the live environment is simply for basic security. --Grknight (talk) 13:53, 30 June 2020 (UTC)
- The bit about a "live" environment is just a red herring, right? The introduction to this chapter (chapter 2) of the "Handbook" says "The instructions further down this chapter target the Minimal Installation CD."
- I suppose that a very experienced Gentoo user might be able to install a new system without consulting this "Handbook". But for the novice user, that label "optional" is just a joke. I would not have had a clue what to do next if I had not been able to switch back and forth between the "Handbook" on TTY2 and the root prompt on TTY1. And I couldn't get the "live" .iso image to work ... if it had worked, reading the Handbook would have been much easier. On top of which, y'all don't get around to explaining how to add another user besides "root" until chapter 11 of this "Handbook". I know I'm supposed to RTFM, but skipping ahead nine chapters is just not gonna happen. --Davidbryant (talk) 14:35, 1 July 2020 (UTC)
Suggested Improvements
Here are some more suggestions. Quoted material is from "Choosing the right installation medium".
"Before we start, we first list what hardware requirements are needed to successfully install Gentoo on a amd64 box."
Bad grammar, not idiomatic, a misspelled word ("an", not "a") -- and it breaks the "no first-person" rule, to boot. I suggest:
Here is a list of the hardware needed to install Gentoo on an AMD64 box.
(About style: abbreviations like "AMD64" can be presented either with or without capital letters. It is generally considered good writing style to choose one version of such abbreviations, and then stick with it consistently. Since it's "AMD64" in the title of the "Handbook", it really ought to be "AMD64" everywhere.)
"The Gentoo minimal installation CD is a bootable image which contains a self-sustained Gentoo environment."
What on Earth does sustenance have to do with it? We're talking about software, not victuals. I suggest this:
The Gentoo minimal installation CD is a bootable image: a self-contained Gentoo environment.
(The rest of this paragraph is really very good.)
"The instructions further down this chapter target the Minimal Installation CD so might be a bit different."
Clumsy, and not even idiomatic. How about this?
The instructions in this chapter target the Minimal Installation CD, so things might be a bit different when booting from the LiveDVD.
"To first verify the cryptographic signature, tools such as GPG4Win can be used. After installation, the public keys of the Gentoo Release Engineering team need to be imported. The list of keys is available on the signatures page. Once imported, the user can then verify the signature of the .DIGESTS.asc
Several things are unclear in this paragraph. After installation? Which installation? The Gentoo installation? Or the GPG4Win installation? This may seem obvious to y'all, but it's not necessarily obvious to members of the target audience. They're just babes in the woods, and it would behoove you to keep that fact clearly in mind when writing something like this "Handbook".
Here's a stab at a rewrite.
A tool like GPG4Win can be used to verify the cryptographic signature inside the .DIGESTS.asc
file. First, download and install the GPG4Win program. Then, import the public key for the Gentoo Release Engineering team from the signatures page. Finally, use this key and the GPG4Win program to verify the signature inside the .DIGESTS.asc
Running out of steam for today. More tomorrow. --Davidbryant (talk) 17:25, 17 July 2020 (UTC)
- Took the middle 2 suggestions for now. The first one is not possible as written due to the shared structure of the Handbook across every architecture. didn't want to dive into the final one just yet. --Grknight (talk) 19:05, 17 July 2020 (UTC)
- I just waded through the process of verifying the cryptographic signature and the SHA512SUM using Windows 10. Here's what I had to do.
- 1. Downloading and installing the GPG4Win package was pretty straightforward -- just download a self-extracting archive from the web site, and run it. That much should be familiar ground for most Windows users. The one problem I ran into is that the documentation (provided as a .pdf file called
) is pretty far out of date. The only GUI interface for Windows is now provided via KDE's "Kleopatra" package. Fortunately, I've used Kleopatra from time to time, so I was able to get things to work.
- 1. Downloading and installing the GPG4Win package was pretty straightforward -- just download a self-extracting archive from the web site, and run it. That much should be familiar ground for most Windows users. The one problem I ran into is that the documentation (provided as a .pdf file called
- 2. When I tried to download the DIGESTS.asc file from https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/, Firefox opened it as a text document. So I had to copy it into a Notepad window, then save it as a text file on my local hard disk. The same thing happens when I choose one of the mirrors.
- 3. Try as I might, I could not obtain the Gentoo Engineering keys from the signature page -- that's where the existing instructions in the Handbook say to look for them. What I finally did was visit https://gentoo.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/wtktzo4gyuhzu8a4z5fdj3fgmr1u6tob?l=releng, then save the "octet stream" file on my local hard disk. I tried to use "File Explorer" to find Kleopatra ... that didn't work, So I told Kleopatra to import keys (File --> Import), then said "any file" (there's a builtin filter ... .asc, .cer, .gpg, etc.) and selected the downloaded octet stream. Kleopatra imported a pair of keys from the Gentoo Engineering Team. So then I selected File --> Decrypt/Verify, and pointed Kleo to the DIGESTS.asc file. The message it displayed was not very useful, but "Show Audit Log" opened another window where I could view the gpg output, including the fingerprint of the signing key.
- 4. At long last I was ready to check the .iso file to make sure it was OK. I had to run "Windows Power Shell (X86)" ... the CertUtil program was apparently written in 32-bit assembler, and hasn't yet been updated to run from the 64-bit DOS prompt. "Windows Power Shell (x86)" is available on the Start menu. It starts in the user's home directory. So I keyed in three commands:
PS Users\david $
cd Downloads
PS Users\david\Downloads $
ls *.iso
Directory: C:\Users\david\Downloads Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 7/19/2020 2:09 PM 442499072 install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso -a---- 8/12/2019 9:56 PM 2082816000 ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso -a---- 8/12/2019 7:31 PM 4169596928 Windows.iso
PS Users\david\Downloads $
CertUtil -hashfile install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso SHA512
SHA512 hash of install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso: 449dd80f59033f5f273db99b56523d1abd96a8ed7a7d478b5370f72c4c62c638eb1a1a1c180a58505b65db79255011b6e73a1def7828f370b8db012b11f34626 CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
- Well, that's enough for today, I guess. I posted this from Windows 10, which I really don't use very often. I don't suppose a whole lot of Win 10 users are likely to jump straight into Gentoo Linux. They're much more likely to try something like MX Linux, or Ubuntu, or Linux Mint ... easier to install, and much quicker to get up and running, especially the first time around. Still, you never know. --Davidbryant (talk) 21:31, 19 July 2020 (UTC)
More Suggestions
I'm picking up where I left off. More about Windows later ... I'll cook up a proposed revision in a day or two. As always, quoted material is from the associated Wiki page.
From 3.2.2, Linux based verification:
"Alternatively you can use instead the WKD to download the key: "
What the heck is "the WKD"? I tried looking it up with DuckDuckGo, and mainly got a bunch of stuff about some sort of vodka-based soda pop concoction that's marketed in the U.K. Just curious, I guess.
- A fix was provided (Special:Diff/886284). --Blacki (talk) 00:11, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
This section is very well done. I do have one suggestion, though. The "Guidelines" page says, in reference to the {{Cmd}} template:
If the command output is verbose (more than 5 lines) use the collapse-output=true parameter to create an 'Expand' link.
This seems like good advice. For instance ...
Alternatively, you can use the wget
user $
wget -O- https://gentoo.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/wtktzo4gyuhzu8a4z5fdj3fgmr1u6tob?l=releng | gpg --import
--2019-04-19 20:46:32-- https://gentoo.org/.well-known/openpgpkey/hu/wtktzo4gyuhzu8a4z5fdj3fgmr1u6tob?l=releng Resolving gentoo.org (gentoo.org)... Connecting to gentoo.org (gentoo.org)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 35444 (35K) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: 'STDOUT' 0K .......... .......... .......... .... 100% 11.9M=0.003s 2019-04-19 20:46:32 (11.9 MB/s) - written to stdout [35444/35444] gpg: key 9E6438C817072058: 84 signatures not checked due to missing keys gpg: /tmp/test2/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: key 9E6438C817072058: public key "Gentoo Linux Release Engineering (Gentoo Linux Release Signing Key) <releng@gentoo.org>" imported gpg: key BB572E0E2D182910: 12 signatures not checked due to missing keys gpg: key BB572E0E2D182910: 1 bad signature gpg: key BB572E0E2D182910: public key "Gentoo Linux Release Engineering (Automated Weekly Release Key) <releng@gentoo.org>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 2 gpg: imported: 2 gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
That certainly looks cleaner than the existing wiki page, to me.
- This handbook mostly targets new users, whose knowledge of Linux/Gentoo is in general quite imperfect.
- I agree that it would look shorter to do as you say, but not that it would look cleaner to most users.
- Only the quite experienced users would think that, as they don't need the full command outputs.
- But new users need these, and it is less tedious for them to be able to see everything immediately, instead of having to click each "Expand" button on corresponding command outputs.
- (and that's probably why there are several places in this handbook with a command output longer than 5 lines, and none is using the collapse-output=true parameter)
Section 3.3: Burning a disk
I don't have any particular objection to any of the language here. But I am curious why there's no mention of USB sticks. It's generally much faster and easier to "burn" the .iso file to a USB stick than it is to use a CD-ROM or a DVD. If I cook up some language describing how to create a bootable USB stick (Linux, and Windows), would somebody be willing to add it to the article?
console=X -- "This sets up serial console access for the CD. The first option is the device, usually ttyS0 on x86, ..."
I find this a mite confusing. This is the AMD64 handbook -- "x86" generally refers to a 32-bit machine. Not a big deal, I guess.
- A fix was provided (Special:Diff/884448). --Blacki (talk) 00:11, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
nodetect -- "... This is useful for doing debugging of a failing CD or driver."
nohotplug -- "... This is useful for doing debugging of a failing CD or driver."
Redundant. Or should I say pleonastic? Better would be ... This is useful for debugging a failing CD or driver.
- A fix was provided (Special:Diff/884442). --Blacki (talk) 00:11, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
This is just a general observation. When I went through this wiki page for the first time, I was a little confused by the plethora of boot options. After studying the list for a while, I concluded that the USB stick I had prepared would probably work just fine without worrying about any of the optional parameters. A word or two of guidance for the novice user right in front of Kernel choices might be helpful. For instance:
In all likelihood, you can boot the default gentoo kernel without specifying any of the optional parameters, and it will work just fine. If you run into problems, or if you're already a Linux expert, you may find the following options of interest. Otherwise, you can skip ahead to Viewing documentation while installing.
- A fix was provided (Special:Diff/884454). --Blacki (talk) 00:11, 17 July 2022 (UTC)
On to the next chapter! --Davidbryant (talk) 16:40, 20 July 2020 (UTC)
Proposed Revision to 3.2.1 Microsoft Windows based verification
Tip: To get this fixed sooner, use {{Proposal}}.
Herre are the promised revisions to the Microsoft Windows based verification section.
Microsoft Windows has provided hash function support (DOS command certutil
) since the introduction of Windows 7 in 2009. Windows does not support GPG cryptography. Cryptographic software (gpg4win
) must be installed to verify the Gentoo Engineering Team's signature on the DIGESTS.asc
file that contains hash sums for validating the .iso
installation file. (This step is optional.)
To verify the hash sums cryptographically, download and install the GPG4Win program. This is easy -- download the self-extracting archive from the GPG4Win web site, then run the downloaded .exe file. This will add a program named kleopatra
to the Windows start menu.
Next, download a copy of the Gentoo Engineering Team's signing key by pointing a web browser to https://gentoo.org/.well-known/openpg/hu/wtktzo4gyuhzu8a4z5fdj3fgmr1u6tob?l=releng, and saving the "octet-stream" file to your hard disk somewhere. Use any desired filename, but be sure to specify the .asc
filename extension. Then, add the downloaded Gentoo keys to your key ring using kleopatra
. Fire up kleopatra
from the Windows start menu. Choose "Import" from kleopatra's
"File" menu, then select the downloaded octet-stream file.
The cryptographic signature on the DIGESTS.asc
file downloaded in the preceding step can now be verified. Select "Decrypt/Verify" from kleopatra's
"File" menu, then open the DIGESTS.asc
file downloaded previously. Click "Show Audit Log", and compare the fingerprint in the audit log to the fingerprint for Gentoo Engineering shown on the signatures page. They should match.
Even if the optional cryptographic validation step is omitted, the SHA512 checksum total for the Gentoo .iso
file should be verified before burning a bootable CD-ROM or etching a USB stick. This can be done with the certutil
program, which is, most likely, already installed in your copy of Windows. Start up a 32-bit DOS prompt (either Windows System --> Command Prompt, or Windows PowerShell --> Windows PowerShell (x86), from the "Start" menu) and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the Gentoo .iso
file. The following example assumes the file is in your "Downloads" folder.
PS Users\yourname\Downloads $
dir *.iso
Directory: C:\Users\yourname\Downloads Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a---- 7/19/2020 2:09 PM 442499072 install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso
Once the .iso
file has been located, tell Windows to compute a hash total (SHA512SUM) for that file.
PS Users\yourname\Downloads $
certutil -hashfile install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso SHA512
SHA512 hash of install-amd64-minimal-20200715T214503Z.iso: 449dd80f59033f5f273db99b56523d1abd96a8ed7a7d478b5370f72c4c62c638eb1a1a1c180a58505b65db79255011b6e73a1def7828f370b8db012b11f34626 CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.
Finally, open the DIGESTS.asc
file with the Notepad editor. The SHA512 hash total shown there should match the hash total computed by certutil
. If the totals do not match, either the Gentoo installation file or the DIGESTS.asc
file -- or possibly both of them -- was/were not downloaded correctly.
The original copy of this suggestion is on my user page. --Davidbryant (talk) 16:48, 22 July 2020 (UTC)
Admin CD and other advanced media choices
On the gentoo.org downloads page there is an "admin CD" about which I can find virtually no information, save a few forum posts from people asking what it is, and a bug from when it was apparently first created: bugs.gentoo.org/352152.
It would seem that this would be the right place to explain a little about what this CD is for, and the differences with the minimal CD.
Also, this seems to be the place for a very brief indication of the differences between the openrc, systemd, no multilib, x32, ulibc, and hardened stage3 tarballs.
I'm sorry that I can't provide copy about the admin CD, but I really don't know anything about it and I can't estimate the reliability of the little information there is on #352152, if nobody here has much further information, I could look into it though... I'd be happy to write up something on the different stage tarballs, if anybody thinks it is a good idea to have that.
All the best.
Ris (talk) 15:16, 20 June 2021 (UTC)
- The admincd is basically known as the ZFS installer for Gentoo. Now there may be some other uses too which I'm unaware however, I think we cover the times a users needs them quite well in other places in the wiki so I would leave this off unless someone can make a good arguement for it.
- The admincd is not listed next to the minimal CD anymore. The differences between the stage3 tarballs are now explained in Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Stage#Choosing a stage file. Closing.
- — Waldo Lemmer 20:40, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
Remove LiveDVD from "Gentoo Linux installation media" section ?
I'm wondering if removing the subsection about the LiveDVD Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#The_occasional_Gentoo_LiveDVD could be advisable, as I don't think such a thing is currently available. I'm thinking this might decruft things a little and avoid any potential confusion for anyone who might go looking for the non-existent DVD.
-- Ris (talk) 17:15, 6 November 2021 (UTC)
- Yes please! See Handbook_Talk:AMD64/Installation/Media#Adapt_to_current_LiveGUI_ISOs for what it needs to replaced with.
Mention the possibility of using Linux LiveCD to install Gentoo ?
I gather that "Linux LiveDVDs" are more or less often used to install Gentoo. I have never done this personally, but I can see the advantage of having a graphical terminal emulator, browser etc. and being able to do more things with the machine during installation.
Could it be an idea to mention this possibility in Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Gentoo_Linux_installation_media, perhaps with a link to Installation_alternatives#Installation_from_non-Gentoo_LiveCDs ?
-- Ris (talk) 17:24, 6 November 2021 (UTC)
- That section now mentions the LiveGUI installer, which is exactly what you describe. That section also has a tip that addresses the use of non-Gentoo install media. Closing.
- — Waldo Lemmer 20:43, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
Add section on install media verification after burning
Tip: To get this fixed sooner, use {{Proposal}}.
A section on install media verification should be added, e.g. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/146221
--Duxsco (talk) 11:21, 5 May 2022 (UTC)
- See Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Verifying_the_downloaded_files. Closing.
- — Waldo Lemmer 20:44, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
- I now realize that you mean verification of the media itself after the files have been written. Reopening.
- — Waldo Lemmer 20:47, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
- I just realise that this discussion already exists. I am sorry for creating this additional discussion.
- --Duxsco (talk) 20:56, 29 September 2024 (UTC)
Adapt to current LiveGUI ISOs
Currently the handbook looks to be adapted to the old LiveDVD that was released by the Ten team. Currently, it seems that releng is periodically releasing a LiveGUI ISO (it seems to be released at the same time as the minimal CD) https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/
For the hardware requirements... I am unsure about what to use... I was thinking on the same requirements as KDE... but I couldn't find them :/ (probably a bit more of disk space and 3D acceleration could be suggested too)
Thanks --Pacho (talk) 14:04, 18 October 2023 (UTC)
- This should be updated as it's been nearly 10 years since the LiveDVD was a think IIRC.
- Proposed changes - Please make edits here until a final revision is agreed upon.
LiveGUI title - A weekly image is created for AMD64 and ARM64 platforms which provies a graphicial experince to install Gentoo which some users may find easier to install Gentoo from.Tip
This is the recommended way to install Gentoo over WiFi connections.
Zen desu (talk) 13:05, 7 May 2024 (UTC) I've merged that change here: https://wiki.gentoo.org/index.php?title=Handbook:Parts/Installation/Media&oldid=1297165 I'm considering it being the first option, since it will generally have better compatibility than the minimal install iso
Burning an optical disc in 2024+
As of Dec 2023, the whole "Burning a disk" section seems to be archaic and makes one feel the handbook not being up-to-date.
The act of actually burning an ISO to a CD/DVD has became quite difficult since nearly all modern laptops and majority of desktops had shifted away from featuring any optical media drive. USB flash disks have became the physical installation media of choice many years ago.
Thus my proposition is to rework the "Burning a disk" section to "Installation media creation". This new section would foremost describe dd-ing of the ISO file to a USB flash disk and after that just briefly mention the method of burning a CD/DVD.
Yuri69 (talk) 14:09, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
- Added in Special:Diff/1273365/1273371
- Thanks! --Xarvatium (talk) 02:37, 11 January 2024 (UTC)
Update examples displaying year 2014
Having the year 2014 mentioned in the examples multiple times feels a bit odd. It makes one wonder whether the handbook is kept up-to-date.
For example, replacing install-amd64-minimal-20141204.iso 04-Dec-2014 21:04 208M
with install-amd64-minimal-20231203T170204Z.iso 03-Dec-2023 18:22 465M
would do the job.
Yuri69 (talk) 14:18, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
- This should be corrected, as well as the old keys in the verification section, please let me know if I missed anything. Zen desu (talk) 03:21, 8 January 2024 (UTC)
Swap space in hardware requirements!?
Why does Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Hardware_requirements demand swap for livedisk? It makes no sense, looks silly and is confusing for new users. L29Ah (talk) 21:55, 1 January 2024 (UTC)
- I agree. That row should be removed. But should 2 GB be added to the minimum required RAM, making it 4 GB total?
- Could someone test this in a virtual machine:
- 2 GB of RAM
- COMMON_FLAGS excludes
- MAKEOPTS excludes
- Doing a world update after selecting the desktop/gnome profile
- — Waldo Lemmer 20:55, 9 May 2024 (UTC)
- This section needs some work as the LiveGUI requires around 3GB of ram to boot and the installcd has no specs listed (needs 256mb) as L29Ah right says, we should drop the need for swap as it seems the writer was confusing recommended min installing specs with the LiveGUI specs.
- 09:11, 21 September 2024 (UTC)
Minor textual corrections
Below are some corrections to what I believe to be minor typos in the article at Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media:
- Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Booting_the_installation_media: the final sentence inside the Important notice right after the first paragraph reads "In the accidental event that DOS/legacy BIOS boot was initiated, then it will be necessary reboot in UEFI mode before finalizing the Gentoo Linux installation.". I believe there needs to be a "to" before the word "reboot", thus reading "(...) then it will be necessary to reboot in UEFI mode (...)".
- Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Booting_the_installation_media: the final sentence of the second paragraph (right after the aforementioned Important notice) reads "Make the necessary modification(s), then press ctrl+x or F10 too boot the modified entry.". I think the "too" highlighted should read "to", resulting in "(...) then press ctrl+x or F10 to boot the modified entry."
- Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Optional:_Viewing_documentation_while_installing: under the "TTYs" topic, the second sentence of the first paragraph reads "Following the principal of least privilege, it is best practice to avoid browsing the web or generally performing any task with higher privileges than necessary.". I think the word "principal" should read "principle".
- Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Media#Optional:_Starting_the_SSH_daemon: in the first sentence of the paragraph, the text inside parentheses reads "(...) perhaps to support during an installation, or even do it remotely (...)". The bit before the comma strikes me as a little bit odd. Maybe it should read somewhat like "perhaps to give/get support during an installation"? Or maybe "perhaps to support an installation"? Again, English is not my first language, so it might be just a linguistic construct I am not familiar with.
Again, thanks a lot for your consideration and your fantastic work!
Gabe (talk) 03:19, 8 March 2024 (UTC)
- Thank you! These were fixed in: Special:Diff/1297165/1298125 and Special:Diff/1260930/1298124.
- --csfore (talk) 17:51, 11 May 2024 (UTC)
dd conv=fsync
Instead of:
root #
dd if=install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4096 status=progress && sync
... it's better to use:
root #
dd if=install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4096 status=progress conv=fsync
... to only consider that specific write for syncing.
--Duxsco (talk) 19:32, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Integrity of installation medium
After the dd:
root #
dd if=install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso of=/dev/sdd bs=4096 status=progress && sync
..., it's good to check whether the installation medium was copied correctly:
root #
du --block-size=512 install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso
1213552 install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso
root #
dd bs=512 count=1213552 if=/dev/sdd | cmp - install-amd64-minimal-<release timestamp>.iso
--Duxsco (talk) 20:04, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Use official live media names
To try and get uses to use the widely accepted names I think we should change the Minimal CD to include:
The Gentoo minimal installation CD, known as the installcd, is a small, bootable image: a self-contained Gentoo environment. This image is maintained by Gentoo developers and designed to allow any user with an Internet connection to install Gentoo. During the boot process, the hardware is detected, and appropriate drivers are automatically loaded.
- Added in Special:Diff/1316764/1316768, thanks!
- --csfore (talk) 21:43, 19 October 2024 (UTC)
LiveGUI description
This is currently incorrect as the same wifi hardware is supported in both the LiveGUI and InstallCD
Some users may find it easier to install Gentoo using the LiveGUI, which provides a KDE desktop environment. In addition to providing a useful graphical environment, the LiveGUI also allowed for easier WiFi with help of the NetworkManager Applet.
We also currently do not have a LiveGui for arm64.
Immolo (talk) 09:21, 21 September 2024 (UTC)
- Fixed in Special:Diff/1316768/1316772, thanks!
- --csfore (talk) 21:48, 19 October 2024 (UTC)
Kernel choices
There are no kernel choices any more so the choices are, Normal boot, boot and cache disk to ram and memtest86.
Immolo (talk) 05:00, 27 September 2024 (UTC)
using syslinux as the example when we use grub now
We now use grub rather than syslinux so this needs to be changed to match.
Search for scandelay then it's a few words down.
Immolo (talk) 05:16, 27 September 2024 (UTC)
- I'm not really sure what you're referring to, is it the boot cli right above Extra hardware configuration? Thanks!
- --csfore (talk) 21:36, 19 October 2024 (UTC)
OpenPGP "long" key ID
In the subsection Linux based verification, the mentioned "fingerprint" isn't the fingerprint, but the long key ID:
When importing Gentoo keys, verify that the fingerprint (BB572E0E2D182910) matches.
"man gpg" states:
"long" is the more accurate (but less convenient) 16-character key ID.
--Duxsco (talk) 21:32, 29 September 2024 (UTC)
- Fixed in Special:Diff/1309060/1316764, thanks!
- --csfore (talk) 21:20, 19 October 2024 (UTC)
Adding a hint to user group "wheel" when creating an optional user
In the section "Optional: User accounts" there is an optional user created but not adding the user to the wheel group would led to an error message when executing su from the newly created user. The use cases for that would be the login through SSH to the newly created user.
I would like to propose adding a hint the usergroup wheel, adding a tip or adding it to the instructions.
--SartorialDaemon (talk) 18:56, 2 March 2025 (UTC)