LightDM은 X 서버용 표준 디스플레이 관리자를 겨냥한 교차 데스크톱 디스플레이 관리자입니다.
(업스트림에서 언급한) 핵심 기능은:
- 다중 GUI를 서용하는 잘 정의된 글리터 API
- 모든 디스플레이 관리자 사용 사례, 적재 적소의 플러그인을 지원
- 코드의 복잡성 경감
- 빠른 속도
USE 플래그
USE flags for x11-misc/lightdm A lightweight display manager
Add GNOME support |
Pull in the gtk+ greeter |
Add support for GObject based introspection |
Enable support for Linux audit subsystem using sys-process/audit |
Enable session tracking via sys-auth/elogind |
Use non-root user by default |
Add support for the Qt 5 application and UI framework |
Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking |
Enable bindings for dev-lang/vala |
lightdm을 설치합니다:
root #
emerge --ask x11-misc/lightdm
LightDM의 (전역) 설정 파일은 다음 위치에서 찾을 수 있습니다:
The GTK greeter configuration can be modified by manually editing the following file:
RazorQt 글리터는 현재 어떤 설정 옵션으로도 제공하지 않습니다.
부트 서비스
With display-manager
root #
emerge --ask gui-libs/display-manager-init
Set LightDM as the default display manager:
To start LightDM on boot, add dbus and display-manager to the default runlevel. dbus is necessary because LightDM depends on it to pass messages:
root #
rc-update add dbus default
root #
rc-update add display-manager default
To start LightDM now:
root #
rc-service dbus start
root #
rc-service display-manager start
With the deprecated xdm init script
LightDM을 기본 디스플레이 관리자로 설정하십시오:
LightDM을 부팅할 때 시작하려면, 기본 런레벨에 dbus와 xdm을 추가하십시오:
root #
rc-update add dbus default
root #
rc-update add xdm default
이제 LightDM을 시작하십시오:
root #
/etc/init.d/dbus start
root #
/etc/init.d/xdm start
부팅시 LightDM을 시작하려면:
root #
systemctl enable lightdm
이제 LightDM을 시작하십시오:
root #
systemctl start lightdm
명령행 도구
LightDM에는 사용자 세션을 전환하고, 현재 시트를 잠그는 등의 가능을 수행하는 명령행 도구 dm-tool이 있습니다. 사용 가능한 명령 목록을 보려면 --help
옵션을 사용하십시오:
user $
dm-tool --help
예를 들어 현재 시트를 잠그려면:
user $
dm-tool lock
Running commands at log-in
A user can run some programs automatically when logging in using LightDM by adding commands in ~/.xprofile, which will be sourced by LightDM. For example:
# Starting redshift, setting the dpi with xrandr and set the brightness to 50% with xbacklight
xrandr --dpi 192 &
redshift-gtk &
xbacklight -set 50 &
Unlock GNOME Keyring
To unlock your GNOME Keyring (gnome-base/gnome-keyring) automatically on login, edit /etc/pam.d/lightdm to look as follows. Note: Lines ending with the comment #keyring
should be added.
auth substack system-local-login
auth optional #keyring
account substack system-local-login
password substack system-local-login
session substack system-local-login
session optional auto_start #keyring
Locking the screen with elogind after suspend or sleep
For security, it is good practice to lock the screen after elogind triggers suspend or sleep. This can be done easily by doing the following:
Install light-locker:
root #
emerge --ask x11-misc/light-locker
Start light-locker after the X server has started by putting light-locker & into either an ~/.xprofile or ~/.xinitrc file.
# Starting light-lock with X session
light-locker &
Create a file under /lib64/elogind/system-sleep/ (be sure to add execute permissions to the file):
root #
chmod +x /lib64/elogind/system-sleep/
문제 해결
LightDM crashes upon first login if hostname changes during login
In some cases LightDM may crash when trying to log in for the first time if the hostname changes in the time between the boot and login (launchpad bug #1677058).
This may be encountered if net-misc/networkmanager is using the default settings to obtain the hostname from DHCP server and the hostname differs from the default one set on boot.
To disable NetworkManager hostname setting behavior, set the following line in [main]
section of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf:
LightDM fails to launch with Nvidia GPU
Users with Nvidia GPUs may encounter failures when using LightDM (GitHub issue #263).
A workaround for this issue involves editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and adding the line logind-check-graphical=false
within the [LightDM]
See also
- SDDM — a modern display manager that supports both the X server and the Wayland protocol.